A New Year!!

As we look forward to 2013, it is with a grateful heart for the students and parents who have entrusted me with helping the students learn to play the piano.  All of my students have busy lives so we value their commitment and work to play well.

We are looking forward to some special events in the upcoming months:  Adjudications in March, and our Spring Studio Recital June 2.  These are both learning and performance opportunities!

I am also going to try to post more frequently to this blog with information on benefits of piano playing & music, and special events that students and their families can attend.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with music!

Change in my Studio

Things are changing at Glenda’s Music Studio.  Glenda is no longer teaching Kindermusik, choosing instead to focus on teaching piano.  My “first love” is teaching children/young people.  This Fall we are starting a “pre-piano” class, where we will have no more than four (4) in a group.  We will do lots of musical movement activities as well as spending some time at the piano with beginning tunes.  I’m really looking forward to this.

I have some space available for summer lessons, and registration is open for Fall lessons, which will officially begin the week following Labor Day.  If you are looking for an experienced teacher for your child or children, give me a call or send me an email (rgalley65@comcast.net)

It’s just 3 weeks until Kindermusik classes start in my Studio!!!  Looking forward to singing, dancing, playing instruments, and all that goes with a Kindermusik class.  I so enjoy sharing music with the children and their parents and would love for you and your child to join us!

Everyone who enrolls by September 2 will receive a card good for 10 free songs to download from play.kindermusik.com.  Enrollment is easy: online, go to http://www.glendasmusic.com, click on Kindermusik class registration and you will be taken to a page where you can browse the classes offered and enroll.


Join us for Summer Kindermusik classes!

Are you looking for a short music class for this summer?  Are you available beginning the first week of July through the first week of August?  Then come join us for 5 weeks of summer music & movement fun!!  You can click on Kindermusik class registration on the left side of this page and sign up today!

Fall Kindermusik Schedule

The Fall schedule for Kindermusik classes is posted on my website.  You are invited to enroll at any time.  Classes begin in mid-September, after school starts.

Kindermusik involves the parents–in class and at home.  Home materials let you and your child do Kindermusik all week, and then come back to get more ideas!  Questions?  give us a call.

Visit http://www.glendasmusic.com, click on Kindermusik class registration, click on either the summer or the fall icon to see classes with days and times offered.

Enroll Now for Spring 2011

The class schedule for Spring 2011 Kindermusik classes is online and ready for you to enroll your child!  Those classes begin the week of January 24.

If you enroll by January 10, you may deduct $15 from your total.

Are you new to Kindermusik?  Would you like to actually experience a class before your enroll?  Send us a note, or give us a call at 253-752-1415, to let us know which class you would like to visit.

Music and Language

In her Exchange article “Early Brain Development Research Review and
Update,” Pam Schiller notes new thinking on the link between music and

“Linguists, psychologists, and neuro-scientists have recently changed
their long held opinion about the relationship between speaking and
singing. The latest data show that music and language are so
intertwined that an awareness of music is critical to a baby’s language
development. As children grow, music fosters their communication
skills. Our sense of song helps us learn to talk, read, and even make

“Brain areas governing music and language overlap. Music and language
have much in common. Both are governed by rules and basic elements
(word and notes). In language, words make phrases, which combine to
make larger phrases and eventually sentences. In music, notes combine
and grow to form a melody.

“The neurological ties between music and language go both ways; a
person’s native tongue influences the way he perceives music. The same
progression of notes may sound different depending on the language the
listener learned growing up. Speakers of tonal languages (most Asian
languages) are much more likely than Westerners to have perfect pitch.
All languages have a melody that is unique. Infants echo the inherent
melodies of their native language when they cry, long before they speak.”


Almost time for Fall Kindermusik classes!

The Fall session of Kindermusik classes begins the week of September 13.  All the “big kids” will be in school and then it’s time for you and your preschooler to have some bonding time, time to enjoy music & movement–with a purpose!

Music has so many benefits: enjoyment, social development, cognitive development.  And when you add movement, your child’s gross and fine motor skills are encouraged, as well as imaginative play.  Oh–and did you know that play is your child’s work?

We would love to see you and your child in music class this Fall!  Go to http://www.glendasmusic.com, click on Kindermusik class registration (under Glenda’s picture).  If you click on the Fall icon, you can see all the classes that are offered this Fall.  Don’t see a class that works for you?  Call or email and let us know what works.  If we can, we will try to accommodate you.